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Writer's pictureBenjamin Hasluck


Picture it, you're walking to school with your Mum and she says: “don’t walk across three drains you’ll get bad luck.” And yes, obviously I would never never walk over 3 drains, are you mad? but where did this myth come from and why? Well, we don’t know I’m afraid. We can’t help with that one, but what we can help with at Hasluck’s is hair. And today we are going to bust those hair myths because we want you guys to have the healthiest hair you possibly can and for you to look and feel your best.


Why is this false? Let us tell you babes.

So your hair isn’t living but it isn’t dead either (no your not the corpses bride), but does that make sense? its like a plant, it grows from the ground, flowers and then dies.

So your hair is a bit like a house plant. Stay with me -- it grows from the root, looks beautiful, then as time passes it starts to weaken and eventually dies. It is called a hair cycle – it grows from the follicle which is living and the hair is a product of the follicle, when the hair gets to its genetic length it falls out. Cutting hair wouldn’t mean that the follicle then grows hair faster.

However, if you don’t get your hair cut the ends will feel damaged and break. The will start breaking faster than your hair grows and that is why it feels like it’s never getting longer. Benjamin Hasluck Creative Director at Hasluck’s suggest’s getting your hair cut every 6 -10 weeks to keep your hair at its optimum health. Having it cut will make it appear thicker and maximise volume. Applying a hair treatment regularly will reduce the risks of those nasty split ends but also maintain healthy hair. One of Ben’s Favourite hair treatment at the moment is EVO’s Lockdown. Great name right…..very on point for 2020. He loves this because it’s a leave in treatment that helps to smooth hair, detangle and reduce the frizz making the hair more manageable. It also helps add softness and shine to hair.


False False False False - Just No.

This is utter utter madness at it’s highest level. Ben argues that if you have clean scalp and hair this evidently means you have a healthy scalp and hair, Duh. So wash your god damn hair lady.

Ben believes the myth generated when people started using cheap shampoos regularly. As its strips away all the natural goodies in the hair because you using all the nasties on it (see Blog The Good, The Bad and The Nasties for more details). Experts state you should regularly wash and condition your hair because when you don’t wash the scalp, it produces more oil which then transfers onto your hair making it feel greasy and no-one likes a greasy girl do they?

Perhaps is a trial and error? Oil production is different in everyone and is affected by many things, genetics, hormones and diet (the list goes on).

We suggest using a good shampoo that’s free from the nasties and actually looks after the health of your hair. Can you see where were going with this? At Hasluck’s one of our favourite daily shampoos is by EVO. It’s called normal persons and its concept is to help with deep cleansing which cools and stimulates the scalp, reducing excess oil and product build-up. It is recommended for all hair types but especially normal to oily hair.


If you blow dry your hair properly it is not harmful to your hair. What is actually damaging is if you apply heat to already dry, damaged hair. Your hair requires moisture which helps to keep it healthy, much like your skin. Think of it this way, if you evaporate all the moisture from damaged hair it’s going to appear dull, have excessive breakages and of course it will feel drier than the Sahara. If you don’t look after your hair then you may have to settle for a short “Karen” bob and then Karen, you really will want to speak to the manager!

We at Hasluck’s don’t want this for you so fine tune your blow-drying skills, additionally Benjamin recommends using a heat spray before applying any type of heat to your hair. As you know we love love love EVO and they have a product called happy camper which is a spray de protection de traitement (which is French for treatment protection spray). So reader get yourself down to Hasluck’s and grab yourself a bottle.

The Last Myth we are going to bust is - Is Kim Kardashians booty real?…Who knows, kidding.


Now you may think you have gone grey due to stress. Unfortunately, it was probably predetermined as studies show it has been linked to genetics. If your parents went grey early then it’s likely you, hun are going to go grey early too, apologies. The science behind greying hair is simple. As we age we start to produce less melanin (this molecule colours your hair) therefore when new hair comes through it appears grey. The evidence surrounding stress induced greying hair is minimal however stress can be linked to excessive hair loss. To put it simply if you are ageing, stressed and losing your hair you have an increased chance of becoming grey. So there is some truth in the matter. Nonetheless darling stop stressing! As my mother always said where does worrying get you? It gets you a 1 way ticket to nowhere. She also told me the moon was made of Wensleydale cheese but we will ignore that bit.

Post lockdown, some clients are really trying to embrace the grey and that’s epic. We at Hasluck’s have styled some beautiful grey hair. But if you aren’t ready to embrace the grey yet then book a free consultation with one of our stylists at Hasluck’s to discuss the options. We are happy to give advice and talk things through if uncertain.

So we hope that our myth busting guide has helped. Have you got any hair myths you want busting or have you busted one yourself? Let us know!

Stay Lucky


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